Wednesday, 27 February 2013

2013 HuTrust® Community Study makes Headlines in Canada

Study conducted by HuTrust® partner in Canada gains big media interest with interviews on radio, publications in the national newspaper, and front page reporting by Vancouver Sun. This is a follow up study on the Community study 2011 which also gained plenty media interest.

CLICK TO ENLARGEThis recent study in Canada by Concerto and Research Now investigates the amount of trust community members have in their politicians, police, community organisations and big brands like Google, Facebook and Blackberry. The methodology used to dimensionalise trust, and the factors for which politicians for instance are (not) trusted, is HuTrust®. HuTrust® is globally the only psychologically sound, statistically robust and practically proven research model of trust.

The data indicates that astonishingly the Canadian communities trust big brands like Apple and Microsoft more than they trust their politicians that are running their country.

For more information on this study and the press releases please see Concertomarketing blog and National Post 

For more information on HuTrust® and how it can be used for research and analysis see and contact Stefan Grafe

Using the most modern psychology we can help you better understand your consumer’s and customer’s needs and motivations and build trust with them. mext